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NURBS Quadratic Surfaces 1.2.1 for 3dsmax (3dsmax script)

Scripts for modeling NURBS paraboloids, hyperb...

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  • 2009, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 2008, 9.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/03/2009
File Size: 1.61 MB
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  • epetkov Petkov

    epetkov Petkov said over 18 years ago:

    That NURBS representation of the quadratic surfaces (ellipsoid, paraboloid, hyperboloid, etc.) as plugin-scripts is correct, fast and flexible. The next step will be tools development (mesh generation and Modify panel redefinitaion) to finelize the project of representing the all nine quadratic surfaces by mesh and NURBS.

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