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3ds Max sneak peek: Populate User Example
Magazine/News Software
3ds Max sneak peek: Populate User Example
Michael Wentworth-Bell, added 2016-09-16 17:45:56 UTC 18,556 views  Rating:
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Check out this short video on youtube for a user example of how features new to 3ds Max 2014 were used to aid the creation of the artwork for Buchanan's debut album, 'Human Spring.'

It's a brief rundown of the workflow used to create the final product and how the new 'Populate' feature was used in tandem with the Biped system to create a large crowd of protesters. 

This video also highlights the Nitrous Viewport performance improvements in a scene with over 400 unique animated objects, a look at the new '2D Pan and Zoom' tool and the use of State Sets to render out sections of the 'Populate' crowd separately.