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Blake 1.6.0 for Maya

Free character rig for Maya

Button download


  • 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 1.12 MB


Introducing Blake, a flexible and expressive new character rig with a range of appearance options!  For a brief overview of rig features, please take a look at this youTube video.

click for larger version

Rig features:
* Multiple appearance options and clothing accessories
* Stretchy IK back with advanced twist controls
* Stretchy arms and legs with bendy elbows/knees
* FK/IK switching with FK/IK Matching for arms and legs
* Space Switching for arms and legs
* Clavicle controls
* Elbow and knee pole vector controls
* Full Finger Controls
* Multiple foot pivots
* Breath control
* Ear controls
* Stretchable head and neck
* Scalable from the Super Mover
* Full Osipa style facial rig

click for larger version

click for larger version

Also, here's a simple MEL script that automatically selects all of Blake's body controllers for easy keyframing (right-click to save).

Much of this character was rigged with my free Rig-o-matic script, so if you would like to rig your own character, you know where to go.

And if you are looking for other character options, don't forget to check out Bloke, Blik, and Blok.


Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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